Directions for Signing up for Electronic Billing (e-Billing)

Directions for Signing up for Electronic Billing

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on:   Online Payment Center
  3. Select the type of bill you would like to enroll for (real estate or personal property).
  4. Complete each screen to process your payment (you may enter a $1 payment at this point and just not complete the “payment “ portion after registering).
  5. Once the bill is added to the cart, click on the icon to the left that says ‘Electronic Billing Available’ to begin the enrollment.
  6. You will then be prompted to either log in to your existing Unipay account or to create a new Unipay account.
  7. Next, you will be brought to the E-bill wizard which will allow you to choose whether to enroll in a system that allows you to receive both paperless and the paper bill or paperless billing. (Through the year 2020 I will continue to send both to everyone; after that you will receive only the e-bill if that is what you opted for).  Then, click Next.
  8. You will be asked to review and accept terms and conditions.  You must check the acceptance box (below the ‘Terms…’ info) and hit Next.
  9. Your account info will than be populated so your bill can be identified.  If it’s correct hit Next.
  10. You will be asked to verify the information displayed is correct.  If it is, click Next.
  11. After you click ‘Finished’, you will receive an e-mail from Unibank with a link which must be clicked to complete the enrollment.
  12. Your registration is now complete and at the next billing cycle (at the end of March 2020) you will receive an e-mail telling you your bill is available.  That e-mail will contain a replica of your paper bill.  Save it for your records, print and submit the top portion with payment, or use the on-line payment portal to pay your bill with a debit from your checking account (the bank charges $0.25 per transaction) or with a credit/debit card (other fees apply but you will be notified as to what those are before completing payment)
  13. Note: If you normally receive more than one bill you must complete this process for each bill.